Daily Activities at Pied Piper Preschool

Parent Engagement and Co-Op Requirements: 

  • 1-2 mornings per month of volunteer time. 

  • Attend monthly parent meetings. 

  • Attend 2 Maintenance Saturdays. 
    (Buyout available) 

  • Complete 6 hours of fundraising.
     (Buyout available) 

  • Hold a Family Job or Board Position (ex: pet care, gardening, social activities.) 

Our daily schedule includes circle times with songs and music, a story time, snack, and time for free-choice activities. Regular activities include: art, science, music, language, fine & gross motor skills, and snack. Children are introduced to the world around them through a gentle, play-based environment where social emotional skills are nurtured.

A Session daily program includes both indoor and outdoor activities in small groups. Children in B Session historically have attended field trips to visit a pumpkin patch, watch a play, and tour a police station.

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